Dear Yogis!
*Update and new schedule*
1. Please find an update under new regulations:
- classes under the gazeebo: i can welcome 2 students for each class ( except Monday evening), others will join by zoom
- zoom details are in the description of the group Whatsapp or you can ask me
- please continue to register for classes on the wix app now updated to « Spaces (by wix) »
2) because we all need changes sometimes, please see the new
- Monday 8.30 pm: Pranayama & deep stretch class for deep realease and body opening (zoom only)
- Tuesday 8 am: power yoga , for strength & concentration
- Thursday 7.30 am (1hr class): Hatha Flow, transit from 1 pose to an other
- Friday 7.45 am: Asthanga intermediate series
Hope to see you all with me under the gazeebo or behind the screen .
With love always